Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hungry, Hungry Hummy!

A ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) continues to visit the feeder in the hummingbird and butterfly garden off of the deck, just outside of my office/craft room. He visits in the early morning and late evening. This evening, he visited frequently between 8:30 and 9 PM. He displayed territorial behavior, fending off another male at the feeder with a little mid-air tussle and a few squeaks.

I have never seen this behavior before in a hummingbird, so I researched it and sure enough, males will defend feeding areas. Each hummingbird will police about a quarter acre. I'm happy that my little guy picked my garden as part of his territory. I refilled the feeder yesterday and exhausted my supply of nectar so I will have to whip some up tomorrow.

In case you are wondering, the ratio for nectar is 4:1 water to sugar. You should bring the water to a rolling boil and allow it to boil this way for two minutes. Then add the sugar, turn off the heat, and stir to dissolve the sugar. You can store the excess in your fridge. Just beware that your color blind spouse may mistake it for lemonade, mix it with iced tea to make an Arnold Palmer, and serve it to you! SUPER SWEET!!!

Yesterday afternoon when I was taking the feeder back to the shepherd's hook, the hummingbird buzzed my head twice! I felt like the Air Boss on Top Gun being buzzed in the tower! The humming from the bird's wings is crazy loud, especially when the bird is about a foot from your head!

Speaking of the loud humming from the wings...the sound definitely gets my dog Oscar's attention. He is a German Shorthaired Pointer (Deutsch Kurzhaar) so he is naturally interested in birds. This evening as I sat on the deck and listened to the various bird songs, "Hummy" (yes, I know I need a better name for him) buzzed in and out to the feeder. The whoosh caught Oscar's attention and he sat, transfixed, watching the bird float in and out to the feeder. As quickly as he would arrive, he would disappear...and this seemed to fascinate Oscar!

I'm considering an additional feeder for the front garden outside of the living room. I read that additional feeders need to be out of sight of existing feeders so more hummingbirds can feed. Knowing there is another hungry male in the area makes me want to do what I can to make sure he's taken care of. I bought my first feeder at Tractor Supply Co. I have the day off tomorrow...I think I will go there in the morning and see if they have any more in stock.

Until next time, keep your eyes open for wild wonders!

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